Third Quarter Reflection: Overcoming Challenges and Gaining New Skills

By the end of the third quarter, I had learned a lot, especially in doing Community-Based Research and creating webpages using HTML and CSS. In research, I learned how to develop the right steps, choose an appropriate topic, and gather data. Meanwhile, creating a webpage, I learned the proper use of HTML and CSS, including unordered lists, nesting lists, and HTML frames. These knowledges are important because they will help me in my academic journey and in the future.

However, not everything was easy. One of the biggest challenges in Community-Based Research is finding the right people to interview. At first, we had a hard time finding a source of information, but we overcame it by interviewing the policemen in Santa Catalina. As for creating the webpage, the biggest problem was when my codes didn't work properly. To solve this, I watched YouTube tutorials and asked my cousin for help. Because of this, I learned to be more resourceful and patient in solving problems.

In the coming months or maybe years, I will continue to expand my knowledge in web development and research. I will practice more in HTML and CSS to improve my webpage creation skills. As for research, I will try to improve my interviewing and data gathering skills. Through determination and continuous learning, I believe I will be better prepared for the upcoming challenges in my academic life and future.



  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences. keep up the good work!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey, keep it up

  3. I'm glad you shared your experience! Learning and gaining new skills will help you in your future endeavors, keep up the good work! Fighting! <33

  4. I can see that you've learned a lot for this quarter. Continue to learn and grow!


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