Our Community-Based Research Journey: Discovery and Growth

Back then, our teacher sent us a file about the Community-Based Research, she told us to take note of what's in the file. After that she then told us that we will be group by the use of where we came from. That is when Me, Niña, Luis and Nathaniel are grouped together for the Research the we conducted in Santa Catalina. After that we are told to start our CBR by making the Title with Subtitle first. We then researched Santa Catalina for our topic which is Emergency responses and disaster preparedness. 

After that, we are actually clueless about the format for the CBR paper, we have asked Niña's brother if he has still a soft copy about their CBR last school year but it's negative, there's none. We only have one chance left, that is to message a Kuya that was an ssc before and conducted too a CBR. Since I'm the only only who has a contact with him, I gathered up my courage to chat him and asked him if he still has a copy, lucky he did (thank you kuya T^T). That's how we finished our paper. And data gathering, we were supposed to interview Mdrrmo but it is Sunday and some are out of their office so we had no choice but to interview the policemen. 

Next is doing the webpage, our teacher showed us examples of last year's and before last year's batch of some of their webpages. Some used html and css, some only used html. That's how we have created our webpage. But did you know that we (me and my team) had a different type of webpage? Hehe... yes, and that webpage is created by yours truly. 

Final webpage:

Reference: www.blogger.com 


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