Vigan City: A Timeless Treasure of Heritage and Culture

Vigan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a treasure trove of history in the Philippines. Its journey from being a simple town to being a progressive city is a testament to its rich cultural heritage and resilience. Vigan as a Town Back then Back then, Vigan was a town known for its stone streets, Spanish colonial houses, and being the political and religious center of Ilocos Sur. During this period, Vigan's economy depends on agriculture, small-scale industries, and traditional handicrafts such as pottery and weaving. Despite its historical importance, resources were limited and the town's development was slow. Vigan people are very close to their traditions and culture. Festivals like the Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival showcase the vibrant spirit of the town. However, as a town, Vigan has limited management capacity and lack of funds, so its progress is slow. Vigan as a City Today On January 22, 2001, Vigan was declared a city by virtue of Republic Act No. 8988. Its ci...