
Showing posts from December, 2024

Reflections on My HTML Journey(2nd Quarter): Challenges and Discoveries

During this quarter, I have learned a lot about HTML, especially the importance of tags like the break rule, which is denoted as <br>, horizontal rule as <hr>, and various formatting tags. The tools helped me understand how to enhance text alignment using attributes and add background colors for aesthetic appeal.  However, I faced problems in my process, especially when working with tags for HTML images. Sometimes, the images did not appear correctly in my file, and I was frustrated and delayed by this. This taught me to be more precise with file paths and to double-check syntax to avoid mistakes. I asked my friends and classmates for help to overcome these problems. They gave me some guidance and also shared tips, such as ensuring that the paths to image files were correctly linked and that there were no typographical errors. Collaboration with them solved my problems and also strengthened my understanding of the concepts. I will keep on practicing and exploring HTML t...

Safeguarding Dignity: Understanding the Laws Protecting Women and Children from Violence and Abuse in the Philippines

 The Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004, or Republic Act No. 9262 , was enacted as a prime law aimed at protecting women and their children from abuse and violence. Being violence against women as a public issue that demeans and puts in peril the dignity, safety, and equality of women and children, its existence underscores the necessity of implementing robust interventions through legal and social measures. It addresses both immediate harm and the systemic causes of gender-based violence as it includes physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse. Protection under R.A. 9262 is extended to women and their children, be it legitimate or illegitimate, against abusive partners or persons whom they may have had a romantic or sexual relationship with. The law offers remedies in the form of protection orders, including Barangay Protection Orders (BPO), Temporary Protection Orders (TPO), and Permanent Protection Orders (PPO). These are all intended to safegua...